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Publications for the element: Lutet

ID Authors Title Year of publishment
101 NIST


118 M. N. Reddy, G. N. Rao

M. N. Reddy, G. N. Rao, Hyperfine structure studies of 175Lu by laser optogalvanic spectroscopy, doi:10.1364/JOSAB.6.001481, 1989

119 J. Verges, J. F. Wyart

J. Verges, J. F. Wyart, Infrared emission spectrum of lutetium and extended analysis of Lu I, DOI:10.1088/0031-8949/17/5/004, Phys. Scr. 17, 495-499, 1978

120 J. F. Wyart

J. F. Wyart, Systematic study of even configurations in the neutral atoms of the platinum group, DOI:10.1088/0031-8949/18/2/004, Phys. Scr. 18,87-95, 1978

121 H. Figger and G. Wolber

H. Figger and G. Wolber, Precesion measurement of the hfs of 175Lu with atomic beam magnetic resonance method, doi:10.1364/JOSAB.6.001481, Z. Phys. 264,95-108, 1973

122 J. Blaise, J. Bauche, S. Gerstenkorn, F. S. Tomkins

J. Blaise, J. Bauche, S. Gerstenkorn, F. S. Tomkins, Determination spectroscopique du spin 176Lu et des moments nuclearies magnetique et quadrupolaire de 175Lu et 176Lu, J. Phys Radium 22,417-427,1961

123 D. Zimmerman, P. Zimmerman, G. Aepfelbach, A. Kuhnert

D. Zimmerman, P. Zimmerman, G. Aepfelbach, A. Kuhnert, Isotope shift and hyperfine structure of the transition 5d6s2D3/2-5d6s6p4F3/2 of 175Lu and 176Lu, doi:10.1007/BF01412940, Z. Phys. A 295, 307-310, 1980

124 A Nunneman, D. Zimmermann, and P. Zimmermann

A Nunneman, D. Zimmermann, and P. Zimmermann, Investigation of hyperfine structure and isotope shift of the 605.5 nm line of 176Lu by laser spectroscopy, DOI:10.1088/0022-3700/16/23/013, Z Phys. A 290, 123-127, 1979

125 J. Verges, J. F. Wyart, J.F

J. Verges, J. F. Wyart, J.F: Physica Scripta (Sweden) 17,495, 1978

126 Staudel, A

Staudel, A, Z. Physik 152, 599, 1958

127 George J. Ritter

George J. Ritter, Hyperfine structure and nuclear moments of Lu175, doi:10.1103/PhysRev.126.240 ,1961

128 L. H. Gobel

L. H. Gobel, Level-crossing-experimente in angeregten Termen des Lu I zur Untersuchung der Hyperfeinstruktur von 175Lu, doi:10.1515/zna-1970-0507 ,1970

129 L. H. Gobel

L. H. Gobel, Zur Fein- und Hyperfeinstruktur von Lu I, doi:10.1515/zna-1971-1001, 1971

130 S. Witte, E.J van Dujin, R. Zinkstok, and W. Hogervorst

S. Witte, E.J van Dujin, R. Zinkstok, and W. Hogervorst, High-resolution LIF measurements on hyperfine structure and isotope shifts in various states of Lu I using the secongd and third harmonic of a cw Ti; saphire laser, 2002

131 T. Brenner, S. Buttgenbach, W. Rupprecht, F. Traber

T. Brenner, S. Buttgenbach, W. Rupprecht, F. Traber, Nuclear moments of the low abundant natural isotope 176Lu and hyperfine anomalies, DOI:10.1016/0375-9474(85)90237-4, 1985

132 Ziqing Yu, Huiting Ma, Ting Wang, Hongfeng Zheng, Rong Wang, Zhenwen Dai

Ziqing Yu, Huiting Ma, Ting Wang, Hongfeng Zheng, Rong Wang, Zhenwen Dai, Hyperfine structure constants of Lu I and Lu II with Fourier transform spectroscopy, doi:10.1140/epjd/s10053-023-00656-y, 2023