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Publications for the element: Mangan

ID Authors Title Year of publishment
56 R.L. Kurucz

R. L. Kurucz, [Online]. Available: http://kurucz.harvard.edu/atoms.

66 H. E. White, R. Ritschl

 Hyperfine structure in the spectra of neutral manganese, Phys. Rev. 35 (1930) 208–208

67 H. E. White, R. Ritschl

Hyperfine structure in neutral manganese, Mn I., Phys. Rev. 35 (1930) 1146–1160

68 W. Mohammad, P. N. Sharma

C III. Hyperfine-structure of spectrum lines of manganese arc in vacuum. Part I, The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 18 (123) (1934) 1144–1149

69 M. Kiyoshi

Hyperfine structure of the spectrum of Mn I, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 10 (5) (1955) 336–338

70 H. R. Rottmann

Das Kernquadrupolmoment des Mn55, Zeitschrift für Physik 153 (2) (1958) 158–163

71 H. Walther

Das Kernquadrupolmoment des Mn55, Z. Phys 170 (1962) 507

72 E. Handrich, A. Steudel, H. Walther

 The hyperfine splitting of the 3d 4s4p levels of Mn I and the quadrupole moment of 55 Mn, Phys. Lett. A 29 (1969) 486

73 P. Luc, S. Gerstenkorn

Hyperfine structure of multiplet lines e RD - y 6P of Manganese I, Astron. Astrophys. 18 (1972) 209

74 P. Luc

Interpretation théorique de la structure hyperfine dipolaire magnétique des termes z8P, z6P, y6P de la configuration 3d 4s4p du manganese I, Physica 62 (2) (1972) 239 – 248

75 J. Dembczyński, W. Ertmer, U. Johann, S. Penselin, P. Stinner

 Laser-rf double-resonance studies of the hyperfine structure of metastable atomic states of 55Mn, Z Phys. A 291 (1979) 207

76 J. Dembczyński

Fine structure interactions in the first spectrum of the Ti, V, Mn and Fe atoms, Physica B+C 100 (1) (1980) 105–123

77 U. Johann, J. Dembczyński, W. Ertmer

Experimental evidence for far configuration mixing effects on off-diagonal hfs interaction between the (3d+45) N+2 configurations of free atoms, Z. Phys. A 303 (1981) 7

78 U. Johann

Konfigurationswechselwirkung in der Hyperfinestruktur freier Atome mit offener 3d-Schale - Messungen mit Hilfe einer Laser-Hochfrequenz Dopplerresonanztechnik und Interpretation, Ph.D. thesis, Universität Bonn

79 H. D. Kronfeldt, J. R. Kropp, A. Subaric, R. Winkler

Hyperfinestructure and lifetime of the Mn I levels 3d5454p z4P3/2,5/2 with laser-atomic-beam-spectroscopy, Z Phys. A 322 (2) (1985) 349–350

80 T. Brodzinski, H. D. Kronfeldt, J. R. Kropp, R. Winkler

Hyperfinestructure-investigations in the manganese I configurations 3d5 4s4p and 3d 4s5s, Z Phys. D 7 (1987) 161

81 A. Jarosz

Badanie efektów oddziaływania konfiguracji w strukturze nadsubtelnej atomów chromu i manganu, Ph.D. thesis, Poznan University of Technology 

82 R. J. Blackwell-Whitehead

High resolution fourier transform spectrometry of the spectrum of neutral manganese, Ph.D. thesis, Imperial College, London 

83 P. H. Lefèbvre, H. P. Garnir, E. Biémont

Hyperfine structure for neutral manganese lines of astrophysical interest, Astron. Astrophys. 404 (2003) 1153

84 R. Blackwell-Whitehead, J. Pickering, O. Pearse

Hyperfine structure measurements of neutral manganese with Fourier transform spectroscopy, Astrophys. J. Sup. Ser. 157 (2005) 402

85 P. Głowacki, D. Stefańska, M. Elantkowska, J. Ruczkowski

Hyperfine structure studies of the electronic levels of the manganese atom. I. Even-parity level system, J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer 249 (2020) 107013.

86 P. Głowacki, D. Stefańska, J. Ruczkowski, M. Elantkowska

Hyperfine structure studies of the electronic levels of the manganese atom. II. Odd-parity level system, J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer 253 (2020) 107138

87 P. Głowacki, D. Stefańska, J. Ruczkowski, M. Elantkowska

Estimation of radiative parameters for atomic manganese from the point of view of possible clock transitions and laser cooling schemes, J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transfer 276 (2021) 107898

88 R. L. Kurucz

Semiempirical calculation of gf values for the iron group, Transactions of the International Astronomical Union XXB (4) (1988) 168–172

89 R. A. Fisher, E. R. Peck

Hyperfine structure of manganese I and nuclear magnetic moment, Phys. Rev. 55 (1939) 270–276

90 A. Klose, K. Minamisono, P. F. Mantica

Collinear laser spectroscopy on the ground state and an excited state in neutral 55 Mn, Phys. Rev. A 88 (2013) 042701

91 G. Başar, G. Başar, G. Acar, I. K. Öztürk, S. Kröger

Hyperfine structure investigations of Mn I Part I: Experimental and theoretical studies of the hyperfine structure in the even

configurations, Phys. Scr. 67 (2003) 476

92 Acar, G. Başar, G. B. I. K. Öztürk, S. Kröger

Hyperfine structure investigations of Mn I Part II: Theoretical studies of the odd configurations, Phys. Scr. 71 (2005) 245

93 P. Głowacki, D. Stefańska, J. Ruczkowski, M. Elantkowska, M. Chomski, B. Furmann

Hyperfine structure investigations of Mn I, J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf 287, 108245/p>

95 Davis S, Wright J, Balling L

Hyperfine structure of the ground state of Mn 55 Phys Rev A


National Institute of Standards and Technology, Atomic Spectra Database Levels Data

97 Dembczyśki J, Elantkowska M, Furmann B, Ruczkowski J, Stefańska D Critical analysis of the methods of interpretation in the hyperfine structure of free atoms and ions; case of the model space (5d+6s)^3 of the lanthanum atom. J Phys B 2010;43(6):065001. doi:10.1088/0953-4075/43/6/065001 2010
98 Elantkowska M, Ruczkowski J, Dembczyński J Construction of the energy matrix for complex atoms Part VI: core polarization effects. Eur Phys J 2016;131(12):429 2016
99 Elantkowska M, Ruczkowski J, Dembczyński J Construction of the energy matrix for complex atoms Part III: excitation of one electron from a closed shell into an open shell. Eur Phys J Plus 2015;130 2015