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Publications for the element: Terb

ID Authors Title Year of publishment
5 Furmann B, Stefańska D, Krzykowski A Spectrochimica Acta Part B 111, 38-45, Hyperfine structure of the 4f85d6s2Configuration of the Tb atom 2015
6 Furmann B, Stefańska D, Krzykowski A J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49, Hyperfine Structure of the 4f85d26s Configuration in the Tb atom 2016
7 Stefańska D, Elantkowska M, Ruczkowski J, Furmann B Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 189, 441, Fine - and hyperfine structure investigations of even configuration system of atomic terbium 2017
8 Elantkowska M, Sikorski A, Ruczkowski J, Dembczyński J Eur Phys J Plus 132, 134, Construction of the energy matrix for complex atoms Part VII: High-performance computing in the case of terbium atom 2017
9 Elantkowska M, Ruczkowski J, Sikorski A, Dembczyński J Eur Phys J Plus 132, 455, Construction of the energy matrix for complex atoms Part VIII: Hyperfine structure HPC calculations for terbium atom 2017

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