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Publications for the element: Holm

ID Authors Title Year of publishment
2 Stefańska D, Ruczkowski J, Elantkowska M, Furmann B

Fine-and hyperfine structure investigations of the even-parity configuration system of the atomic holmium, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 

3 Stefańska D, Werbowy S, Krzykowski A, Furmann B

Lande gj factors for even-parity electronic levels in the holmium atom, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 

4 Furmann B, Stefańska D, Suski M, Wilman S

Identification of new electronic levels in the holmium atom and investigation of their hyperfine structure, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 

48 Furmann B, Stefańska D, Suski M, Wilman S, Chomski M.

Hyperfine structure studies of the odd-parity electronic levels of the holmium atom. I: Levels with known energies, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 

49 Furmann B, Stefańska D, Suski M, Wilman S, Chomski M.

Hyperfine structure studies of the odd-parity electronic levels in the holmium atom. II: New level, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer

50 Stefanska D, Furmann B.

Hyperfine structure investigations for the odd-parity configuration system in atomic holmium, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 

51 Wyart J-F, Camus P, Vergès J.

Etude du spectre de l'holmium atomique: Physica C 92(3):377-96

52 Reddy MN, Ahmad SA, Rao GN

Laser optogalvanic spectroscopy of holmium. J Opt Soc Am B 9:22–6


NIST Atomic Spectra Database

57 W. J. Childs, David R. Cok, and L. S. Goodman

New line classifications in Ho I based on high-precision hyperfine-structure measurement of low levels, Journal of the Optical Society of America

58 Burghardt B, Büttegenbach S, Glaeser N, Harzer R, Meisel G, Roski B

Zeitschrift für physik a atoms nuclei 1982;307(3):193

59 Gö Başar, GüBaşar, B.Özdalgiç, I.K.Öztürk, F.Güzelçimen, D.Bingöl, S.Kröger

Laser spectroscopic investigation of atomic holmium in the wavelength range from 780 nm to 830 nm: Hyperfine structure measurements and a new energy level

60 W. J. Childs, David R. Cok, L. S. Goodman

New line classifications in Ho I based on high-precision hyperfine-structure measurement of low levels

61 M. Chomski, B. Furmann, J. Ruczkowski, M. Suski, D. Stefanska

Landé gJ factors of the electronic levels of the holmium atom

62 D. Stefanska, B. Furmann, J. Ruczkowski, M. Elantkowska, P. Głowacki, M. Chomski, M. Suski, S. Wilman

Investigations of the possible second-stage laser cooling transitions for the holmium atom magneto-optical trap

63 M. Elantkowska, J. Ruczkowski, A. Sikorski, S. Wilman

Fine- and hyperfine structure investigations of the odd-parity configuration system in atomic holmium

64 D. Stefanska, B. Furmann, P. Głowacki

Possibilities of investigations of the temporal variation of the α constant in the holmium atom

65 Dankwort W, Ferch J, Gebauer H.

Hexadecapole interaction in the atomic ground state of 165Ho. Z Phys 1974;267(3):229–37. doi:10.1007/bf01669225